Pesticides and Pollinators
There are a lot of great websites on the Internet about pollinators and pollination. Here are some of our favorite sites related to attracting pollinators to your farm. Be sure to check out our other categories of website links for many other valuable resources.
Health Canada PMRA PMRA Update on Neonicotinoid Pesticides and Bee Health
How You Can Help – Avoid or Limit Pesticide Use (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Reducing Risks to Pollinators from Pest Control (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service )
Organic Pesticides: Minimizing Risks to Pollinators & Beneficial Insects (Xerces Society)
How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides (University of Oregon: Extension fact sheet)
US Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Program - Pollinator Protection