Making Homes for Pollinators

There are a lot of great websites on the Internet about pollinators and pollination. Here are some of our favorite sites related to making homes for pollinators. Be sure to check out our other categories of website links for many other valuable resources.
Note that bee nests made for twig-nesting bees should be at least 8" deep; several of the resources below give examples with shallower (e.g. 4-6") depths.
Essential Bee-Friendly Garden Design Tips (UK Garden Buildings Direct)
Nesting and Overwintering Habitat for Pollinators and Other Beneficial Insects (Xerces Society)
Bee Condo Maintenance Instructions (Pollination Guelph & partners)
DIY Native Bee Nest Tubes and Blocks – Resource List (
Home-made Sweet Homes (North American Pollinator Protection Campaign)